Diversity & Inclusion

Office of University Diversity and Inclusion

2024 President's Diversity Awards

The President’s Diversity Awards celebrate members of the Cal Poly community who have exhibited a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion on our campus. The awards are an opportunity to recognize members from the faculty, staff, and student communities as well as contributions from a recognized student group/organization and department/unit.

Congratulations to the 2024 Awardees

  Award Awardee
  Dolores Huerta "Si Se Puede" Award for Transformational Leadership  To be announced

Excellence In Inclusive Design

Michelle Chariton, Facilities Management and Development
  Student Award Cristian Reyes, Child Development
  Faculty Award Dr. Farah Al-Nakib, College of Liberal Arts
  Staff Award Mandy Blackburn, Admissions

Staff Award

Maria Manzano, College of Engineering

Campus Department 

Counseling Services Diversity and Inclusion Taskforce

Student Organization

Black Student Union

Click to view all our past President's Diversity Awardees ›

Dolores Huerta "Si Se Puede" Award for Transformational Leadership

To be anounced

This year’s, Dolores Huerta “Si Si Puede” Award for Transformational Leadership is TBA. Their description is to come after their announcement on June 6. 



Excellence In Inclusive Design Award

Michelle Chariton, Facilities Management and Development

Michelle Chariton is a true servant leader and a catalyst for positive transformation, embodying the values of inclusivity and equity in her role as Associate Director of Capital Projects. Her exceptional leadership and tireless advocacy have been instrumental in the Inclusive Restroom Initiative, transforming 35 multi-stall restrooms into gender-inclusive spaces. Michelle's expertise guided the campus community through complex conversations, bridging diverse perspectives and navigating bureaucratic hurdles with grace and determination. Her visionary leadership united stakeholders across departments to create environments where every individual feels affirmed and supported. Beyond her project management role, Michelle has cultivated a culture of openness and dialogue, encouraging community participation in shaping a more inclusive future. As a founding member of the Womxn in Facilities FSA, her impact extends beyond physical transformations, resonating deeply within the campus community. Michelle’s unwavering dedication to equity and justice, along with her ability to make everyone feel heard and valued, makes her a deserving nominee for the President’s Diversity Award for Excellence in Inclusive Design. 


Student Award

Cristian reyes, child development, OUDI Intern/asi Secretary of diversity and inclusion

Cristian exemplifies unwavering dedication to equity and inclusion through his extensive involvement in both curricular and co-curricular domains at Cal Poly and beyond. As a Student Intern at the Cal Poly Office of University Diversity & Inclusion, he supports initiatives like the Inclusive Restrooms Initiative and the I Am First-Gen website, fostering collaboration across campus departments to promote equity. His role as Secretary of Diversity and Inclusion at Cal Poly Associated Students, Inc. highlights his commitment to driving change, exemplified by projects like the "Decolonizing Thanksgiving" workshop and the "Diverse Students Network." Cristian's advocacy extends to the broader community through his work with organizations such as the Latino Student Fund and The Campaign for College Opportunity, where he promotes higher education accessibility for underrepresented communities. As a Student Ambassador Fellow for Today's Student Coalition and a FIERCE Fellow with The Education Trust-West, he engages with policymakers to address systemic inequities. Additionally, in his former role as Student Assistant to the Associate Dean for Diversity and Curriculum, he was involved in assessing diversity initiatives, and ensuring accountability and continuous improvement. Cristian's multifaceted efforts underscore his deep-rooted commitment to fostering an equitable and inclusive environment for all. 



Faculty Award

Dr. farah al-nakib, college of liberal arts

Dr. Farah Al-Nakib exemplifies Cal Poly’s commitment to diversity and inclusion through her compassionate and dedicated service to both the campus and the wider community. As associate chair of the History Department, a member of the CLA Diversity Committee, and faculty advisor to the SWANA Scholars, she has significantly contributed to DEI initiatives, including spearheading the Diversity Action Plan for Kennedy Library and facilitating the History Department’s Latinx DEI cluster hire. Her courses, such as The Modern Middle East and Oral History Research Methods, emphasize the historical experiences of marginalized groups, offering students a practical understanding of DEI principles. Dr. Al-Nakib has also been instrumental in fostering community dialogue and healing, particularly regarding the crisis in Palestine, through numerous campus conversations and local events. Her tireless efforts extend beyond the classroom, transforming the library into a more inclusive space and mentoring DEI cluster hires. Her leadership, mentorship, and dedication to DEI have made a profound impact, making her a deserving candidate for the President’s Diversity Award.


Staff Award

Mandy Blackburn, admissions

Mandy Blackburn is a dedicated advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion. Mandy's exceptional leadership is evident in her management of the Welcome Center student assistants, Admissions student team, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Ambassadors, all of whom support the Mustang Mentorship Program (MMP), Partner Counselor Advisory Board (PCAB), and United By Excellence (UBE) events. As co-founder of the Mustang Mentorship Program, Mandy supports students from low-income, first-generation, and historically marginalized backgrounds by matching them with Cal Poly mentors for nine months of virtual programming focused on financial aid literacy, college readiness, and personal development. Her dedication extends to the Partner Counselor Advisory Board, which provides essential updates to counselors and career technicians at partner high schools serving predominantly first-generation and low-income students. Mandy's daily actions, including educational initiatives and community-building activities, promote an inclusive and equitable campus environment. As a first-generation alumna, her genuine passion for creating a supportive campus culture has transformed the lives of countless Mustangs and prospective scholars, making her a deserving candidate for the President's Diversity Award.


Staff Award

Maria manzano, college of engineering

As the director of the Engineering Possibilities in College (EPIC) program, Maria plays a vital role in advancing the college's strategic priorities to diversify the student population. This successful summer program for 5th-12th graders regularly attracts more applicants than available spots, with participants ranging from 400-1000, and serves over 50% of historically underserved students, primarily through Migrant Education partnerships. Maria's meticulous attention to staffing, safety, programming, housing, and event planning ensures the program's success. Her efforts align with campus-wide HSI initiatives and involve collaboration with faculty, graduate students, and student clubs to plan diverse engineering activities. In 2022, Maria expanded participation through new partnerships, increasing both virtual and in-person involvement and developing a new curriculum for 5th graders. She also integrated Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training into EPIC staff development. Maria values diversity, providing comprehensive staff training on mental wellness, and microaggressions, and supporting English learners, ensuring an inclusive environment. Her work in EPIC is frequently cited as exemplary in DEI university spaces, reflecting her independent engagement with campus partners, and community organizations, and her excellent management of EPIC’s budget. Her dedication to fostering inclusivity and broadening participation in engineering makes her a deserving candidate for the President's Diversity Award. 





Campus Department Award

counseling services diversity and inclusion taskforce

The Diversity Inclusion Task Force (DITF) is dedicated to promoting inclusivity in counseling services for BIPOC, neurodivergent, and other marginalized individuals. They collaborate with various campus groups such as La Casa, BAEC, International Students Center, Guardian Scholars Program, The PRIDE Center, and DRC to foster inclusivity and increase access to services for marginalized populations. DITF brings educators, speakers, and trainers to campus, such as Stevon Lewis on the Imposter system and Becca Lewis on supporting Native and Indigenous students. They host events like Dr. Amanda Waters' "Spill the Anxie-tea" for AAPI month and provide weekly drop-in opportunities like Let's Talk and ROOTS. DITF members engage in continuous education and participate in outreach at cultural events, ensuring culturally aware services. They support various marginalized groups, including those seeking gender-affirming care and LGBTQI+ students, and collaborate with multiple campus committees to address intersectional needs. Their goal is to provide a safe and secure environment for all students at Counseling Services, educating themselves and others on the cultural experiences that impact their work. 


Student Organization Award

black student union (BSU)

BSU is recognized due to their exceptional commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) at Cal Poly. BSU has created a pivotal home away from home, uniting the community by supporting underrepresented groups, promoting inclusivity, and fostering intersectional collaboration. Their initiatives, such as partnering with Black fraternity life, hosting the Black Love Annual Event, organizing field trips to large companies, and conducting tutoring programs, actively engage the campus in meaningful dialogue and action. Furthermore, BSU’s work in hosting cultural nights, conducting educational workshops, and collaborating with organizations like the Multiracial Students Association (MUSA) and Hindu YUVA exemplifies their dedication to creating a more inclusive environment. By promoting Black culture and facilitating the exchange of culturally significant foods, games, and music, BSU ensures all voices are heard and valued, making them an outstanding candidate for this recognition. 


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